Readings: Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 95; 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 and Mark 1:21-28. TRUE AND FALSE PROPHETS AMONG GULLIBLE CHRISTIANS In a society where people are living in abject poverty and great difficulties like in Nigeria, Religion, in the words of Karl Max, “Becomes the opium of the masses” who are impatiently in search of solutions to their problems. Sometimes, when difficult situations break us down, our sense of reasoning decreases and our emotions increases. At this point, we become gullible and practically ready to do anything our religious leaders tell us. In view of this, today’s liturgy draws our attention to the true prophets of God and false prophets who are ready to manipulate and exploit the gullible Christians. How do we know and differentiate them? In the first reading, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Moses promised the people that a true prophet like him will come when he said, “ The Lord your God will raise up for you a proph...