Readings: Isaiah 55:1-11; Psalm (Is 12);
1 John 5:1-9 and Mark 1:7-11. Christ's Baptism
celebration traditionally brings to end the Christmas season and begins the
ordinary time of the church’s liturgical calendar. The feast of the Baptism of
the Lord affords us the opportunity to reflect on our baptism as well.
The penny
catechism book defines baptism as a
sacrament, which cleans us from original sin, makes us Christians, children of
God and members of the Church. In accordance with the teachings of the
Church, we have three types of baptism:
Baptism by water: This is known
as the sacramental baptism, realized through sprinkling of water on the head or
by immersion.
Baptism by blood: When one
sacrifices his/her life for the faith just like the martyrs or holy innocents.
Baptism by desire: When one
dies with the intension or in the process of being baptized.
In view of the
above, one may likely ask: why do we baptize infants when they have no
knowledge of what they are receiving? Today’s liturgy also reminds us that God
makes covenant with the family as a unit, not just the individual. This is
evident in the life of Abraham and his descendant/children as we have it in Gen
17:7-8, where circumcision was the sign of God’s covenant with his people. In
Joshua 24:15, gathering all the tribes of Israel at Shechem, Joshua said to
them, “Choose this day who you will
serve, as for me and my family/household, we will serve the Lord.”
In the New
Testament, baptism, which signifies more, became the new sign of God’s covenant
with His people and God keep making His covenant with families as a unit. This
is evident in Acts 16:13-15 when Paul baptized Lydia and her household, with no
specification whether they were infants or adults. In 1Cor 1:16, Paul baptized
Stephanas and his family. Hence, children/infants should not be treated as
pagans or unbelievers, since it is evident that the Apostles and the early
Church practiced infant baptism until 16th century it was challenged with the
rise of Pentecostalism.
Today, we
celebrate the baptism of the Lord and a fundamental question we are likely to
ask in this: was it necessary for Jesus Christ to be baptized? In the Gospel,
Mark tells us that “Jesus came from
Nazareth to Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.” He was not baptize because he needed
cleansing from sin; he was sinless and John himself understood. In Matthew’s
account John said, “I need to be baptized
by you and not you coming to me” (Mt 3:14). John recognized that his baptism was only a prelude to what Jesus would bring. The Messiah will bring an
immersion of the Holy Spirit that was greater than the immersion in water as a
demonstration of repentance, which could not truly cleanse one from sin, nor
could it impart the Holy Spirit in the way Jesus would after his mission was
Baptism we know
begins the Christian journey of every child. For Christ, His baptism began His
public ministry. In the sermon of St. Maximus of Turin, he said, “Christ entering the water of baptism is not
for Him to be washed or purified from His sins, but purifying the water that
will be used for our baptism. For when the Saviour is washed, then already for
our baptism all water is cleansed and the fount purified, that the grace of the
laver may be administered to the people that comes after. Christ therefore
takes the lead in baptism so that Christian peoples may follow after him with
confidence.” With His baptism, He identifies with us as sinful men, the people
he has come to redeem, the lost sheep of Israel (Luke 5:32); His baptism
communicates to us the efficacy/importance of our baptism, of which we receive
grace upon grace that we as sinners are reconciled to God and becomes sons and
daughters of God. Finally, His baptism gives a revelation of the Blessed
With Christ’s
baptism, we may also ask: who then can receive the sacrament of baptism? The
Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us that “Every person not yet baptize can receive the sacrament of baptism”
(CCC 1246). In view of this prophet Isaiah in the first reading gave a
universal invitation to all, “Ho,
everyone who thirsts, come to the waters…” It is an invitation to everyone, but everyone who thirsts. That is,
only those who will come to the waters. If we are not thirsty for what the Lord
can give us, then we will never come to His waters. Christ may have had
this passage from Isaiah when He said, “If
anyone thirst, let him come to me and drink” (John 7:37). Those who are
thirsty and answers this invitation don’t need bring money, it is a free gift
for our salvation.
St. John in the
second reading highlighted three elements that bears witness to the sonship of
Christ: The Spirit, the water and the blood. These elements include all that is
necessary for our salvation. Both the water and blood flows from Christ.
Through His water, our souls are washed and purified for eternal life in
heaven. Through His blood, we are justified, reconciled, and presented to God
as righteous. Through His Spirit, we are made strong for the battle of life.
Today we are
reminded of what we have received in baptism and the promises we made to reject
Satan. We are reminded that the Spirit in us is greater than the spirit in the
world and so, as sons and daughters of God, we should not live in fear of any
spiritual forces in the world but always have confidence of who we are. We
partake in the baptism of Christ so as to be light to the world. In our
baptism, we identify with Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. May the
graces we have received in baptism bring us to eternal life through Christ our
Lord. Amen! Peace be with you!
Happy Sunday!
Fr. Ken Dogbo, OSJ
Amen...Happy Sunday