Readings: 1 Kings 17:10-16;
Psalm 146; Hebrews 9:24-28 and Mark 12:38-44.
The fear of the
future has hindered and restricted so many Christians from the virtue of generosity in which the virtue of hospitality
is embedded. This fear has lured so many to preserve and hoard their belongings to themselves alone. There is
no way we can be generous if we continue with the fear of how to survive
tomorrow by leaving God out of our plans. This is where our trust in Divine Providence comes in as seen in
the liturgy of today.
The first
reading presents to us the encounter of the prophet Elijah with the widow of
Zarephath. Truly, to some persons, the fear of the future has become the
greatest enemy of generosity and prosperity. In this reading, Elijah tested her
generosity and trust in divine providence. She was indeed an extremely poor
widow that did not even have sticks to cook. She was gathering ‘firewood’ to
prepare her last meal for herself and her son, after which they would wait to
die. Have you been in such a situation before? Have you come to the end of your
resources that you no longer have money, no food, no friends, nor health, no
shelter, no clothing and practically nothing at all to live on? If yes, you can
seek solace from this story and if no, you have more reasons to be grateful.
In her
situation, one would expect Elijah to give her something just as some poor
persons come expecting their priests and pastors to do. Rather, Elijah made a
request based on an unusual faith saying, “Bring
me a little water in a vessel that I may drink.” Requesting for more he
said, “Bring me a morsel of bread in your
hand.” These were the earthly things she initially looked up to, that is
why she said, “…that we may eat and die.”
Invariably, when we pin our faith on earthly things, we will lose hope in times
of difficulties. However, when our faith is hinged on God and we put Him first
as she did, God will never fail us. It was through faith that Elijah declared
God’s faithfulness saying, “Fear not, go
and do as I have said… the jar of the meal shall not be spent, and the pitcher
of oil shall not fail…” This was God’s first word to the widow through
Elijah. Her present crisis rightly made her afraid, and God wanted her to put
away fear and replace it with trust in Him and so she gave at a great risk,
based on her trust in the promises of God. Indeed, the words of the prophet
came through in the widow’s life and she lacked nothing afterwards. Her faith
and trust in God’s words and in Divine Providence never failed her. Rather, she
had a transformation story and all things turned around for her good.
The Gospel also
presents to us a similar event as Jesus condemns the hypocrisy of the Scribes
who devour widows’ houses and in pretence make long prayers. The Scribes sin
against the weak and the vulnerable, extort from them, yet carry themselves as
religious people. Their relationship with God was more of a show than
substance, which was obvious when contributing to the treasury. In view of
this, today’s Psalm says, “The Lord
upholds the orphan and the widow, but thwarts the path of the wicked.”
While the Scribes do this, Christ observes the generosity of the poor widow,
who gave everything she had. Many rich people put in large sums into the
treasury but the widow put in two copper coins, which make a penny. Invariably, Christ is saying to us, that we
give not because we have extra or excess as some will do in attempt to create
space in their rooms or wardrobes, but because it is sacrificial and makes us
trust in Divine Providence.
Both the widow
in the first reading and in the gospel offered some sacrifices in order to
experience the bountiful blessings of God. The widow of Zarephath was a woman
of faith, who sacrificed her last meal for a stranger she did not know. She gave
the little she had before the multiplication of the morsel and the oil. The
widow in the Gospel, out of her poverty gave her last penny. This is to teach us that the grace of God
does not choose men to sleep and wake up in heaven, nor choose them to live in
sin and find themselves absolved at the last day; nor choose them to stay
without studying and expect them to pass exams. It does not choose them to be
idle and go about their own worldly business, and yet to win a reward at last
for which they never toiled. Ah, no oo! The grace of God calls us first to
repentance, to a life of holiness, to the culture of generosity, hospitality
and to put our trust in Divine Providence, not on our wealth. With these, we
experience God’s abundant blessings.
In view of the
above, the second reading tells us that God was in the first place generous to
us when he gave us His Son Jesus Christ, who trusted the Father so much and
offered himself once to bear the sins of many.
In a nutshell,
Pope Francis urges us on generosity when he said, “One is not too poor that he cannot give and one is not too rich that he
cannot receive.” While giving, let us
take away the fear of how we will survive tomorrow. It does not in any way
negate a life of planning but uphold our dependence solely on God and in giving,
we shall receive in good measures.
Happy Sunday!
Fr. Ken Dogbo,
May the good Lord continue to bless and strengthen you to continue is good work