Readings: Deuteronomy 6:2-6; Psalm
18; Hebrews 7:23-38 and Mark 12:28-34.
Today’s liturgy
reminds us of the greatest theological virtue, which is love. All the laws and
prophets has love as their foundation, and this is explicit in the readings.
This virtue of love is better expressed from two dimensions: our relationship
with God and with man (human). What defines our relationship with God is how we
relate with our neighbour. Is our relationship with neighbour surrounded with
hatred, bitterness, anger, violence and other forms of vices or is it with love,
unity and sacrifice? If truly we love God and our neighbour, we will keep His
The commandment
of God was given to the Israelites through Moses as we have in the first
reading account of today when he addressed the people, saying, “Fear the Lord your God by keeping all his
statutes and his commandments, which I command you, all the days of your life.”
The faith of the Israelites rested on
their obedience to this one great commandment. If they obey this commandment,
their life would be long and filled with blessings and if they do not obey it,
they could expect to be cursed by God. This is in relation to the fourth
commandment “Honour your father and your
mother so that your days may be long,” which is otherwise known as the
theology of retribution.
Moses draws the attention of the people to God’s
commandment and monotheism as against polytheism
when he said, “Hear O Israel: The Lord
our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
and with all your soul and with all your might.” This verse is an essential
prayer for the Jewish people called “Shema
Yisrael,” taken from the first words of the verse “Hear O Israel.” Emphasizing the monotheistic nature of God. It is a
prayer composed from selected phrases from Deut. 6:4-9 and Numbers 15:37-41.
This prayer is also used weekly by priests, religious, and some lay faithful
that pray the Divine office every Saturday night or solemnity of evening prayer
In the mind of
many Jewish people and some Christians today, this verse alone disqualified the
New Testament teaching that Jesus is God, and the teaching of the Trinity, that
there is one God existing in three persons.
However, this statement ‘The Lord our God
is one’ does not contradict the truth of the Trinity nor the truth of Jesus
Christ as God. In fact, it establishes that truth since the Hebrew word for
‘one’ used here is ‘echad,’ which
speaks most literally of a compound unity, instead of using the Hebrew word
‘yacheed’ which speaks of absolute unity or singularity. The idea of echad
as compound unity is explicit in the creation story, “…evening came and morning came, the first day…” (Gen 1:5) and Gen
2:24 says, “…the two shall become one
flesh.” In this we see the idea of unity (one flesh), making a plurality
(the two). Hence, we can affirm that this verse establishes the truth of Christ
as God and the truth of the three persons in one God.
More so, this
truth continues in the second reading from the letter to the Hebrews, which
presents Christ as the high priest, holy
and blameless, unstained, separated from sinners exalted above the heavens, who
has no need to offer sacrifices daily like other high priests for his own sins and
for his people. He did this once for all when he offered up himself. As in the case of Moses’ address to the
Israelite to obey the commandments of God and the promise of long life attached
to this commandment, God the Son, in obedience to the Father, offered the
greatest sacrifice with his own life so that we can have, not just long life on
earth, but eternal life in heaven. To attain this life, Christ calls us to
love God and our neighbour just as Moses called the Israelites: Hear, O Israel
this commandment.
Christ in the
Gospel amplifies the call Moses made in the first reading when the Scribes
asked Him which is the first or greatest commandment of all. In response, He
said, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; and
you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart…” Amplifying this He
said the second is this, “You shall love
your neighbour as yourself.” The Scribes quickly affirm His response as it
suits them in relation to monotheism saying, “You are right, Teacher; you have
truly said that he is one, and there is no other but he, and to love him with
all the heart…” These two commandments are interwoven as we cannot
claim to love God without loving our neighbour and vice-versa.
Hence, as we
gradually come to the close of the liturgical year, Christ draws our attention
to the close of his public ministry, which has its culmination on the cross.
His response to the Scribes was the image of the cross in a vertical (above to below or vice-versa) and
horizontal relationship that exists between God and man; and the relationship between
man and his fellow man. The first is to love God with our whole being and the
second is the love of neighbour. Practically, this appears to be the most
challenging of the commandments. It is easier for us to claim we love God. We can be so religious and prayerful as
regards our relationship with God, but our relationship with family members and
friends is nothing to write home about. What about our relationship with other
tribes, ethnic groups and other religions? Or those who do not belong to our
circle? 1Jn 4:20 tells us: “Anyone
who claims to love God and hates his neighbour is a liar; for whoever does not
love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.” Put
differently, Christ uses the compound unity (echad) in response to the love of
God and the love of man, for both are intertwined.
Happy Sunday!
Fr. Ken Dogbo,
May God continue to fill u wth wisdom and understanding padre
ReplyDeleteI can only love another if i first recognise that I am worthy of love which is not meant to be hoarded but to be put to use to put a smile on my neighbour.