Readings: Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 118; 1 John 5:1-7 and John
20:19-31. Greetings of Peace
Today, there is a mix of feelings. The memory of the
crucifixion was so fresh in the heart of the apostles, this made them lock
themselves in the upper room for fear of the Jews, and most likely having the
thought that what was done to their master will get to them. Probably the voice
of the murderous crowd shouting “Crucify
him” still echoes in their ears and their peace was distorted. When they
saw the risen Lord, they were glad. So we can place side by side their fear of
death and the joy of the resurrection. If we claim to be Easter people, do we
still live in fear?
Over the week, we saw Christ’s apparitions to Mary
Magdalene, to the two disciples on their way to Emmaus and to the eleven.
Today, John’s gospel presents to us his greeting of peace and commissioning of
the disciples “Peace be with you. As the
Father sent me, even so I send you.” He
breathed on them and said to them, “Receive
the Holy Spirit. if you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you
retain the sins of any, they are retained.” This moment became the turning point among the apostles, in the power
of the Holy Spirit which they received; fears diminished while boldness took
over. Being filled with the Holy Spirit, they left their self-imposed prison,
to go out and spread the message of Jesus, just as he had commissioned them to
Thomas was not with them when Christ first appeared to
the disciples. Probably he was the
boldest to go out since others were living in fear of the Jews. We know fear to
be opposite of the faith, even Christ, when walking on water, associated Peter’s
fear with lack of faith. This was what Thomas lacked, faith to believe. The
penny catechism tells us, “Faith is a
supernatural gift of God, which enable us to believe, without doubting whatever
God had revealed.” Thomas was bold
and was without fear, but did not believe in the resurrection. He refused
to believe that the others had seen Christ, he demanded a pragmatic proof which
he received when Christ said to him, “Put
your finger here and feel my wounds.” At this instance, he recognized his
frailty and not only believed in the resurrection but confessed that Jesus
Christ is God when he said, “My Lord and
my God.” With this confession, he
experienced the Divine Mercy of God. Let us be confident in his words, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet
believe.” If we cannot see the risen
Lord, there is however something else that we can see: the community which,
through whose life, is evident that Christ is alive and is with us.
Bearing witness to Christ is evident in the words and actions
of the early Christians as St. Luke presents in the first reading, “The company of those who believed where of
one heart and one soul… they had everything in common… No one was needy among
them, they sold their possessions of lands and houses, brought the proceeds to
the apostles’ feet; and distribution was made to each as any had need.” In the
action of the disciples, we see in a practical way the song, “Ubi caritas et amor, ubi caritas Deus ibi
est” (where charity and love are: where charity is, God is there). We do not need to have in abundance before
we share with others, we can begin from the little we have. Generosity is one of
the major characteristics of the early Christians in bearing witness to Christ.Sharing
This witness of the apostles lingers to later
generation as it appears in the second reading. St. John speaks to other
followers of Christ who did not have firsthand witness to the risen Lord. He said
to them, “Everyone who believes that Jesus
is the Christ has been born of God… for whatever is born of God overcomes the
world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith.” Our
faith and belief in Jesus Christ who came by WATER and BLOOD. This was a clear contrast to Thomas who was
with Christ but so slow to believe in the Lord’s resurrection. Notwithstanding,
when Thomas recovered from his doubt, he offered a valuable insight into God’s
mercy and kindness.
The allusion to water and blood of Christ already speaks
loudly of today being Divine Mercy Sunday, as blood and water gush forth from
the side of Christ on Good Friday, which began the novena to this Sunday’s
celebration. It is worthy of note that we celebrate on this day, the
institution of the forgiveness of sin when Christ breathed on the apostles
saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit, whose
sin you forgive are forgiven…” We recall
in Gen 2:7, God breathed on man to give life. Today Christ breathed on the
apostles to restore life to one that is spiritually dead and gave them the
power to forgive sin. This power is reserved for God alone, and when the
priest forgives sin, he does so with the authority of Christ bestowed on him.
At this point, we cannot subject God’s mercy to human reasoning. We pray
through St. Maria Faustina, that God will have mercy on us and on the whole
world. Peace be with you!
Happy Sunday!
Fr. Ken Dogbo, OSJ
Amen!! Powerful!!!! Thank you so much Father. Praying for More wisdom and knowledge of God upon you 🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome and amen to all your prayers.